Using Tiled Photographs in the Photomontage Module
It is possible to generate large images especially when joining photographs to create a panorama and Windows can sometimes have difficulty as there may be more than one copy in memory. To overcome this problem the Photomontage module can generate and use tiled photographs using the “Option / Tiled Photograph” menu item. Tiling can be switched on or off and it can be limited to photographs larger than a specified size (default 250MB). The maximum number of pixels in a tile can be set (default 800). The number of tiles used will be a power of 2 and sized between the maximum and half of that size. Tiling can only be set when in the wire frame mode before opening a photomontage run file.
When a run file is opened a photo will be processed into a tiled image automatically if tiling is switched on and the photo is larger than the size limit. A photo named IMAGE.jpg will result in a tiled photo file named IMAGE.mapa. Keep both files together when moved to avoid having to regenerate the tiled file.
Creating a tiled image is not quick and some processes (rendering and image export) are slower, therefore it is recommended that tiling is only used when necessary for large images. Photographs over 250MB have been used without tiling on an old PC running Windows XP with just 1GB of memory.
If you have a new photomontage with a large photograph, for which tiling is needed, it is recommended that you make an initial photomontage setup using a smaller version of the photograph. Reduce the photograph size by 50% using your graphics software, which will result in a total image size that is 25% of the original.
Use this reduced version to set up the wireframe and establish any rotation. Once you are satisfied go back to the original and rotate it by the required angle and crop it to remove any blank infill. The photomontage run data can now be changed to use the modified large photograph, and the display should only require small adjustments to get the wireframe to fit.